Upload and earn website

We pay money per downloadYou can earn up to $ 0,5 for 1000 unique downloads! Anyone can participate in our affiliate program. All you have to do is upload file(s) and put the link on your own forum, blog or any other forums or blogs which are not restrict download links. We will pay $ 0,5 to for 1000 downloads of your file(s). You will get money for each download.ConditionsWe will count 1 download per day from each unique IP address if the file's size is more than 1Mb. Here is the list of countries we will pay for: Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil, UK, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Spain, France, Australia, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Czech Republic, Portugal, Poland, Cyprus, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Liechtenstein, Kuwait, Qatar, The United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Japan, Singapore and New Zealand.
Uploads must honor our TOS and respect copyrights.
Your account will be terminated and your earning fill be deleted if you try to send automated hits.PayoutsThe payments will be received between 20 and 30 of each month.
Payments via Paypal and Moneybookers.
Minimum payout is $20 .

CLICK:-    http://www.uploads.ws/
Upload and earn website Upload and earn website Reviewed by Evergreen on 04:20 Rating: 5

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